Below outlines the minimum expected tasks that will be performed by hotels creating/managing/growing social channels. Properties may be unable to meet these minimum standards, and therefore should not risk brand reputation. Those properties without the resources necessary to meet these requirements may still request the Omni brand social channels tell their stories and share their news. Please note that these are minimum requirements for consistent exposure, better channel performance should be achieved by following the Social Media Channel Best Practices Guide. Minimum Execution Requirements:
  • Facebook posting minimum: 1 original post/day with image
  • Twitter posting minimum: 2 original tweets/day with images
  • Instagram posting minimum: 1/day
  • Pinterest posting minimum: 2/day
  • Property must stay on brand with messaging (luxury travel inspiration)
  • Organic engagement only, properties are not permitted to purchase followers or likes
  • 1 hour max response time to guest comments/inquiries/complaints on social channels during weekday work hours
  • 12 hour max response time to general comments/inquiries/complaints on social channels outside weekday work hours. If an issue arises outside weekday work hours that has the potential for increased brand risk (ie- threat, incident, high-level influencer), monitoring and responding should be increased
  • Work with Select Guest Coordinator on Select Guest issues or availability
  • Property must have full permission to use any selected assets
  • Provide quarterly report on social media stats from native channel dashboard that tracks progress against key performance indicators. Report is due the first week of a new quarter and corporate will provide a template
  • All posts acquired via transaction, ie- paid blogger work, must be disclosed as per FTC endorsement guidelines
  • Property must have contingency plan for channel continuity in the event channel manager is unavailable or if they leaves their position for any reason